Global Sponsors of the AMiA
The Most Rev. Datuk Yong Ping Chung is Archbishop of the Province of South East Asia
and Bishop of Sabah (Malaysia). Born in Indonesia in 1941, he was ordained in 1970 and consecrated bishop in 1990. He received
his B.A. from Memorial University of Newfoundland and his L.Th. from Queens College. He has held a number of leadership positions,
including Chairman of the Anglican Consultative Council 1984-90; President of the Council of Churches, Malaysia 1995-97; Chairman,
Council of Churches of East Asia 1996-99; and President, Christian Federation of Malaysia 1997-99. He is featured in Michael
Greens book about the phenomenal growth in the Province of South East Asia "Asian Tigers for Christ." He and his wife Julia
have two children. Read More About the Province of South East
The Most Rev. Emmanuel Mbona Kolini is Archbishop of the Province of the Episcopal Church
of Rwanda and Bishop of Kigali. He was born in 1945 in Congo, ordained in 1969 and consecrated Assistant Bishop of Bukavu,
Zaire in 1980. He served as Bishop of Katanga, Zaire from 1986 until 1997 at which time he was called into Rwanda as Bishop
and Archbishop. His education was at Canon Warner Memorial College, Bishop Tucker College and Balya Bible College in Uganda.
He and his wife Freda have eight children. Having become Primate of the Province following the years of genocide, Archbishop
Kolini has been a major force for reconciliation in Rwanda. Read
more about the Province of Rwanda
AMiA Council of Bishops
The Rt. Rev. John Kabango Rucyahana is Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Shyira, Rwanda.
He was born in 1945 and lived in Rwanda until the 1959 Tutsi exile. He met Jesus Christ in Uganda at twenty-one and became
a lay evangelist. He was ordained priest in the Anglican Church in 1974 and, after serving as a parish priest, he became rector
of St. Pauls Cathedral in Hoima, Uganda, during the military rule of Idi Amin. In 1983, he became an archdeacon, overseeing
many churches and pastors. In 1988, he attended Trinity Episcopal School for Ministry, Ambridge, Pennsylvania. He returned
to Uganda in 1990 to serve as a diocesan Missions Coordinator until 1997, when he was elected Bishop of the Shyira Diocese
of Rwanda. John and Harriet were married in 1969 and have five children. Bishop Rucyahana gives inexhaustible service to the
Mustard Seed Project which provides "acts of mercy, acts of mission" in East and Central Africa. He serves as the Archbishops
Liaison to the AMiA Council of Bishops.
The Rt. Rev. Charles Hurt (Chuck) Murphy III is a Missionary Bishop of the Province of
the Episcopal Church of Rwanda and a bishop of, and chairman of, the Anglican Mission in America. He has served as rector
of All Saints Church, Pawleys Island, SC for 18 years, and was the one who convened and later chaired the First Promise Movement
that led to the formation of AMiA.
Bishop Murphy graduated from the University of Alabama, then studied under Dr. J.I. Packer of Trinity
College in England before completing his theological training at the University of the South. He served several Episcopal
congregations before being called to All Saints in 1982. Murphy has led Vestry Workshops, Leadership Training Conferences,
and has taught on many subjects throughout the U.S.
Murphy is the son, brother and brother-in-law of Episcopal priests. He and his wife Margaret have
been married for 32 years and they have three grown daughters.
The Rt. Rev. John Hewitt Rodgers Jr. has served as a Missionary Bishop of the Province
of South East Asia and as a bishop of the Anglican Mission in America. He was formerly Dean/President of the Trinity Episcopal
School for Ministry, Ambridge, PA from 1978-1990. He also served as President of the Association of the Anglican Congregations
on Mission (AACOM). Many of these congregations have now joined AMiA. Bishop Rodgers graduated from the US Naval Academy and
received his theological degrees from Virginia Seminary (where he was later a Professor of Systematic Theology from 1963 to
1976) and the University of Basel Switzerland. He has served in many leadership roles in the Episcopal Church and in ecumenical
councils, and is a speaker and teacher of international reputation.
The Rt. Rev. C. FitzSimons Allison is the Bishop Retired of the Episcopal Diocese of
South Carolina. He was born in 1927, ordained in 1952, consecrated in 1980 and retired in 1990. He received his Master of
Divinity from the Virginia Theological Seminary and his Doctor of Philosophy from Oxford University. Although he served parishes
in South Carolina and New York City before becoming a bishop, his primary ministry during that time was as a Professor of
Church History at the University of the South and Virginia Theological Seminary. The author of a number of books, Bishop Allison
has served the church nationally and internationally. He was American Canon to St. Andrew's Cathedral in Aberdeen, Scotland;
U.S. Representative of the Evangelical Fellowship in the Anglican Communion; on the General Board of Examining Chaplains of
the Episcopal Church; on the Board of Regents of the University of the South and the Board of Trustees of Trinity Episcopal
School for Ministry. Bishop Allison participated in the January 2000 consecrations of Bishops Murphy and Rodgers in Singapore.
He and his wife Martha have four children and nine grandchildren.
The Rt. Rev. Alex D. Dickson is Bishop Retired of the Episcopal Diocese of West Tennessee. He was born in
1926, ordained in 1958, consecrated in 1983 and retired in 1994. He has received both a Master of Divinity and a Doctor of
Divinity from the University of the South where he also served on the Board of Regents. He was a parish priest in Mississippi
for several years where he took a courageous stand for civil rights in the 1960s. He later served the Episcopal Church on
a national level in a number of capacities including the Executive Council, the Standing Liturgical Commission, the Council
for the Development of Ministry, and the Joint Task Force on Lay Ministry. He was a Founding Member and Vice President of
the American Anglican Council, a Founding Member of the Irenaeus Fellowship of Bishops, and Chairman of the Board of the North
American Missionary Society. He was Episcopal Advisor to the First Promise Movement and participated in the consecration of
Bishops Murphy and Rodgers as the first bishops of the Anglican Mission in America.
The Rt. Rev. Thaddeus Rockwell (Thad) Barnum serves as Canon Missioner in the Anglican
Mission in America, Pawleys Island, SC. Thad attributes much of his early training and ministry to nine years (1978-87) spent
at St. Paul Episcopal Church, Darien, Connecticut under the leadership and anointed preaching of the Rev. Terry Fullam. During
those days, his love for expository preaching began and continues to this day. In 1987, Thad was called to plant a new church
in Alliquippa, Pennsylvania- a dying mill town. During his years as rector (1987-95), Prince of Peace Episcopal Church grew
to over 300 with over 30 ministries active in all facets of parish life. During this time, Thad also served in many other
capacities such as Field Education Mentor at Trinity School for Ministry, Chaplain to South American Missionary Society, Chaplain
at the USAir Pittsburgh Airplane Crash site for Flight 427, and Chairman of the Mustard Seed Project which provides "Acts
of Mission, Acts of Mercy in East and Central Africa."
In 1997, Thad and his wife Erilynne moved to Pawleys Island to serve as Directors of Missions at
the North American Missionary Society and 1998, the two of them joined the All Saints staff where they serve at present in
conjunction with the Anglican Mission in America.
The Rt. Rev. Alexander Maury (Sandy) Greene was rector (now retired) of Christ Episcopal
Church in Denver, Colorado for five years. Before coming to Denver he was rector of St. Andrew's-by-the-Sea, Destin, Florida.
Sandy's passion in the ministry has been the raising up and mentoring of clergy and lay leaders. He recently presented three
candidates for ordination to the diaconate in the Episcopal Diocese of Colorado and one for ordination in the Anglican Mission
in America. He is a graduate of Yale University and the General Theological Seminary. Moreover, he has experienced a lifetime
of training in ministry and congregational leadership from a number of clergy and many gifted lay folk in parishes that he
has served.
He and his wife Georgeanna or "Gigi", are celebrating their thirty-fourth year of marriage. They
have four sons, three daughters-in-law and a grandson.
The Rt. Rev. Thomas William (TJ) Johnston Jr. is rector of St. Andrew's Church in Little
Rock, Arkansas and has served this congregation since 1998. St. Andrew's is the first lay initiated church plant in the Anglican
Mission in America. This church has grown from a living room of fifteen people to over two hundred in attendance each Sunday.
St. Andrew's remains committed to planting new Apostolic churches. TJ graduated from Sewanee with a Bachelor of Science in
Forestry. After working as a forester with Union Camp Corporation in Virginia, he entered law school in the fall of 1980.
After graduating from Cumberland School of Law, he returned to Charleston, South Carolina to practice law as a trial lawyer
until 1991 when he followed God's leading to seminary and along a path to ordained ministry. TJ attended seminary at the University
of the South, The School of Theology, and graduated in May 1994 with a Masters in Divinity degree. He served Grace Church,
Charleston, SC, as an assistant fro two years, when in 1996 he became the assistant to the Rev. Chuck Murphy at All Saints
Parish, Pawleys Island, SC. TJ has worked as a volunteer with the Episcopal Bishop in Haiti, the Right Rev. Luc Garnier. His
role has been to coordinate partnership relationships between churches and school in Haiti and churches and schools in the
United States with a focus on rural education and health issues. TJ continues to be involved with this work.
He presently serves as Team Leader for the Anglican Mission in America's church starting efforts.
TJ and his wife Rees have two children.
The Rt. Rev. Douglas Brooks (Doug) Weiss received his MD from Bexley Hall (1969), a BA
from Geneva College (1966), and an AA from Lincoln University (1963). Doug served as deacon at Epiphany, Euclid, Ohio, until
1970. He was vicar of St. Mark's, Shelby, Ohio (1970-1981). He became vicar of St. Lawrence, Campbell, California, which became
Our Savior Church where he served as rector until 1994, when he and the congregation left the Episcopal Church and founded
Christ the King Church-South Bay, three blocks from their relinquished facility. Doug is a pastor. He has been a pioneer and
a member of founding teams of outreach and spiritual formation ministries, including the Anglican Mission in America. His
ministry focus has been teaching, mentoring, and healing. He has been a bridge between churches and ethnic groups, and recently
served as facilitator for Pray South in Santa Clara County, California.
AMiA's Executive Officer
Harry C. Griffith is Executive Officer of the Anglican Mission in America. An attorney
by training, Griffith has been in Christian ministry as a layperson for over 30 years and has served at all levels within
the Episcopal Church over those years. He founded the Bible Reading Fellowship in the US in 1971, and served as its president
until 1999. He was executive director of the Anglican Fellowship of Prayer from 1979 to 1990. He served on the Executive Council
of the Episcopal Church from 1979 to 1985. He was a co-founder of Faith Alive, Adventures in Ministry and Episcopalians United,
from which he received the Good and Faithful Servant Award in 1994. Griffith has written over 21 books on Bible study, prayer,
evangelism, lay ministry, healing and marriage. The Griffiths have been married for over 44 years; have three children and
four grandchildren. Griffiths responsibilities involve organizing and coordinating the work of Anglican Mission in America.
Anglican Mission in America
P.O. Box 3427
Pawleys Island, SC 29585
Fax: 1-843-237-4008
Phone: 1-843-237-0318
Link to the Anglican Mission in Pawleys Island, SC
Community of Acts